On the personal front, I became a mother again (yay!) so I had to take time off to go on maternity leave (lol!), take time to bond with my new baby and adjust once again to a whole new set-up in my household. It's been very interesting going from mum-of-one to mum-of-two. At first I didn't know what to expect, whether things will be the same as the first time around, whether things will be different, whether I would feel more confident because I've done this before. But like all things, somehow there is more grace provided for the new challenge. It's not easy because my workload has increased, but then my joy and blessings have increased too!
On the writing and business front, I've been busy too. I've had some more flash fiction stories published on Brittle Paper; see
I also did a feature on my journey from Blogger to Author as well as a couple of interviews with Konnect Africa and Busayo Sotunde
I've been working on Accomplish Press too, in the months before I took a break. We've completely redesigned the website and updated our publishing focus and services for writers. If you're interested in taking your ideas from inside your head to books reaching your audience, then check us out @ Accomplish Press. We can help make your dream come true.
As for the title of this blog post, well.... I came to this realisation as I was sitting in a taxi the other day. For the past couple of weeks (or months) I'd been thinking about how much my life has changed and evolved. In the beginning of my life story, I was the child, needing the parents to do their job and look after me. Now I look at my life and I'm the wife and mother, looking after my children and taking care of my parents. Isn't that something to think about? To realise that the carefree days of childhood are over, the awkward growing up phase of teenage is gone, and the self-discovery phase of the twenties are gone too. Now I'm a proper adult, with responsibilities that aren't going anywhere. I may take a break from working or from my responsibilities from time-to-time but I can't rewind time and go back to being a child. Scary! One thing I know, this adulthood business is not for wimps.
Well, that's it for now. Thanks for reading my blog and I wish you a wonderful weekend and a brilliant month of February.